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IRS NEWS: High-Income Non-Filers
--The IRS is sending compliance letters to high-income taxpayers who have not filed tax returns from 2017 to 2021. IRS urges recipients to file these overdue returns promptly.
--This initiative targets taxpayers earning over $400,000 and prioritizes those with incomes exceeding $1 million.
--For businesses and individuals, addressing these notices quickly is essential to minimize financial and legal consequences.
--If you should have filed yet have not filed tax returns in recent years, please contact us or your regular tax preparer soon.

IRS NEWS: Form 1099-K
--For 2024, merchant card processors and other third party settlement organizations must use form 1099-K to report annual total payments to a single recipient of $5,000 or more.
--This threshold drops to $2,500 for 2025, then drops again to $600 for 2026.
--For 2023 and prior years, the threshold was $20,000.
--In addition to the annual total, the form will also show monthly amounts separately.
--The IRS has also provided temporary relief from penalties for backup withholding obligations in 2024, giving businesses time to adapt to the lower threshold.


--The IRS continues processing 400,000 Employee Retention Credit (ERC) claims, worth $10 billion in eligible refunds.
--However, improper claims stemming from some aggressive marketing efforts have led to increased audits and fraud investigations.
--Additionally, a consolidated claim process helps third-party payers resolve inaccuracies.

IRS NEWS: Clean Vehicle Tax Credit
--The Clean Vehicle Tax Credit offers up to $7,500 for qualified electric or fuel cell vehicles (EVs/FCVs) placed in service between 2023 and 2032.
--Eligibility depends on income thresholds, battery capacity, and assembly location.
--Starting in April 2023, vehicles must also meet critical mineral and battery component standards to qualify for the full credit.
--Buyers may want to check in with their dealers to make sure they provide proper documentation and file Form 8936 with their tax returns.
--Accurate record-keeping is essential to claim this credit successfully.